Online Scheduling Software

How to Get More Appointment Bookings

Some businesses thrive on selling products or services, while others thrive on providing consultations or services. Both industries require one important investment to support sales efforts: Marketing. However, the latter business type isn’t as simple as clicking an “add to cart” button.  As a result, it needs to be nurtured more in to convince a lead to enter information and set a date.  Read on to learn about upgrading your marketing and sales strategies and how to get more appointment bookings.

1. Offer a convenient option.

The most important factor in any business strategy: Make the process as easy as possible. Why make a client call and wait on hold to make an appointment when they can self-schedule a meeting online in one click? All it takes is a robust online appointment scheduler that can be integrated into your website to provide customers with 24/7/365 appointment scheduling ability.  

EZnet Scheduler screen shots
EZnet Scheduler is accessible on all devices, Windows/Android or Apple.

Did you know that 70% of today’s consumers demand that capability?  If you don’t offer that, you’re losing out on a good chunk of business. 

By the same token, the scheduler you choose should also enable you to easily manage overlapping and recurring appointments and should send automatic confirmations and reminders.  If it has a built-in payment module that can be used with your current payment authorization gateway, that’s a huge “plus” too, because customers will have the ability to prepay for services you will be rendering to them at the same time they schedule their appointment with you. It’s a win-win!

2. Stay active on social media.

Social media is where people go to research your business and stay up-to-date on announcements. Not only can social media keep current and previous clients informed, but it can also draw in new leads through advertising.  As such, it’s important that you create a captivating online presence that showcases your company and highlights customer testimonials.  You should also pay attention to including information that will engage your audience so your business will be top of mind the next time they need a product or service like yours. 

3. Post frequent blogs that establish you as an expert.

Have you ever heard the marketing adage, “Content is King?”  It refers to the fact that content is the driving force of the online world. Words are powerful, and the content you provide can have an immense effect on whether or not people choose to book with you or someone else.

But it doesn’t stop there!  If content is King, then engagement is Queen.  You must choose the right content with audience engagement in mind.  Engagement numbers “tell the story” of your company’s standing in consumers’ minds.  

4. Follow up with past clients.

It’s easier — and more cost effective — to convince a current or past client to return than to acquire a new client. That’s why it’s paramount to follow up with every clinet. Stay relevant in the minds of your clients and show that you care by sending emails regularly that remind them to schedule additional appointments with you.

It’s incredible how a small touch of thoughtfulness can drive more business. And remember — repeat business is the lifeblood of every business because it brings in steady, reliable income.

View your business from the eyes of your ideal client. Would you schedule an appointment with a company that doesn’t make the process easy?  That isn’t active online? That can’t prove its expertise? That never reaches out to customers to keep them engaged?  Probably not. 

Get more appointment bookings by being the kind of company that you would do business with if you were the prospective customer.