enhanced text messages offers 2-way text messages with automatic updates in real time to the scheduler

New Enhanced Text Messaging simplifies scheduling

Introducing Enhanced Text Messaging

Until now, you’ve been using one-way text messaging. But, we’ve upgraded our one-way text messaging to two-way text messaging. And, this means you can now receive messages from your customers and respond. Plus, when your customers respond, the EZnet Scheduler automatically updates the customer’s response in the calendar. See the green check mark in the red outline below. Gone are the days where you need to collect your customer’s wireless carrier. Now, you simply ask their mobile number. Then, enter the number into the assigned field. EZnet Scheduler Enhanced Text Messaging takes care of the rest.

Enhanced Text Messaging automatically updates the status of the appointment based on customer's response

Benefits of Enhanced Text Messaging

  • It’s easy–Now you can send text messages without having to collect customer’s mobile network information.
  • It’s fast–Obtain real-time communication from your customers. When customers confirm, cancel, or reschedule, EZnet Scheduler automatically updates the calendar in real time.
  • Improved workflow–Appointment status change notifications provide instant updates to you and your team.
  • Enhanced communications–Improve communications by customizing messaging templates to both customers and internal stakeholders (staff).

Enhanced Text Messaging streamlines workflow

We offer three different templates which you can fully customize using a standard editor. Each template serves a unique purpose to communicate important information to your customers about their appointments.

Standard default template

Use this template to remind customers of their newly scheduled appointment and the reminder message for their appointment.

First-time appointment

This unique template enables you to create special messaging for a customer’s first visit. You can remind them to bring documentation, where to park, instructions for when they arrive, etc.

Status notification template

These notifications allow you to fully customize your communications with your customers and staff members. These notifications serve to alert either or both groups when there’s a change to an appointment.

Example: When a customer arrives and checks in, mark the status to “Arrived”. As soon as this appointment status changes, the system sends a message to the staff person who needs to know the customer has arrived so the appointment may begin.

picture of status change notification template for EZnet Scheduler via Enhanced Text Messaging

The number of statuses available depends on each package. Once you define your settings, whenever someone updates an appointment, the Scheduler automatically reflects the new information. These status notifications relate directly to our other new feature, IntelliVu™ digital job board.

IntelliVu digital job board

IntelliVu digital job board allows you to quickly view the status of your appointments visually. Now, you can see which appointment is in what part of the process in a quick glance. This is helpful for organizations with multiple steps in the appointment process, especially medical, automobile, professional services, salons, spas, and veterinary.


IntelliVu digital scheduling board streamlines workflow

Enhanced Text Messaging increases read rates

Appointment survey shows patients prefer enhanced text messaging reminders over all other methods of communication.Two-way communication is always most effective. It’s not surprising then SMS messages have a  98% open and read rate , which is a much higher open and read rate than communications such as email. Another statistic shows 64% of people prefer text over voice as a customer service channel. When Freesia surveyed 14,000 patients, they discovered people preferred text messages over other methods. Interestingly, the same study found patients 64% preferred to cancel or reschedule an appointment via voice. Surprisingly, only nearly a quarter of patients said they preferred a text message. EZnet Scheduler now offers all three: two-way SMS, email, and voice reminders so you can deliver messages the way your customers prefer.

Schedule an Enhanced Text Messaging demo

We invite you to schedule your free personal demo so we can show you how to start using two-way text messaging to communicate better within your organization, enhance your communications with your customers, and streamline your workflow.